
Nathalie Forget was unanimously awarded the First Prize in ondes Martenot at the Conservatoire National Supérieur de Paris.


She has played all across Europe, as well as in the United States, Africa, Mexico, Russia and Canada with leading conductors and ensembles including Hans ZENDER, Ilan VOLKOV, Simone YOUNG, Esa-Pekka SALONEN, Sylvain CAMBRELING, Marin ALSOP, Heinz HOLLIGER, Reinbert DE LEEUW, Ingo METZMACHER, Kent NAGANO, Pierre BOULEZ, Myung-Whun CHUNG, the London Sinfonietta, the Orchestra of Gulbenkian Foundation, the Nederlandse Opera, the NDR Sinfonieorchester Hamburg, the Rai National Symphony Orchestra, the Toronto Symphony Orchestra, the OCBA of Mexico, the BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra, the Berlin Deutsches Symphonie-Orchester,  the Philharmonic Orchestra of Radio France...


She's also very invested in contemporary music, improvisation, and rock music (Ensemble L'ITINÉRAIRE, FAUST, RADIOHEAD, ULAN BATOR...) and in premiering radical new repertoire for the instrument.


She is ondes Martenot Professor at the Conservatoire National Supérieur de Paris.


In 2020 was published the book of Eric VALENTIN: L'insurrection de la douceur, les performances musicales de Nathalie Forget, at Éditions L'Harmattan.